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Major SLI upates #157

Open penguian opened 7 years ago

penguian commented 7 years ago

keyword_nogit type_performance enhancement | by moc801

These are major SLI improvements. First Scott Wales rewrote the solve routine of SLI to improve performance. Then Vanessa removed plenty of bugs, which really improved performance for global runs. The code can be found at:

Details are: Changed dTsoilmax and dTlmax to 30 degree instead of 5 degree to speed up grid cells with large diurnal temperature amplitudes. Added _r_2 to all numerical constants. core/biogeophys/cable_sli_numbers.F90

Implemented tolerance so that soil is considered frozen below a tolerance (1e-6) below the freezing point. Ensure in derivative of K with respect to T that the liquid content stays positive max(parin%thr,1e-5_r_2). core/biogeophys/cable_sli_utils.F90

Rewriting of SLI solve routines by Scott Wales: long solve routine is split into smaller subroutines. core/biogeophys/cable_sli_solve.F90

Assure that liquid throughfall is strictly positive. Use wlogn from iovars for debugging with MPI. core/biogeophys/cable_sli_main.F90

Issue migrated from trac:157 at 2023-11-27 11:21:50 +1100

penguian commented 7 years ago commented

Implemented error code while solving SLI: if err/=0 then CABLE state variables are not updated core/biogeophys/cable_sli_utils.F90 core/biogeophys/cable_sli_solve.F90 core/biogeophys/cable_sli_main.F90

penguian commented 5 years ago changed milestone from ` to6. Report`

penguian commented 1 year ago set keywords to nogit