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inconsistencies in initialization of wbice #174

Open penguian opened 6 years ago

penguian commented 6 years ago

keyword_ice_initilialization_maygit type_model improvement | by inh599

There appears to be unintended inconsistencies in the default initialization of wbice on points with isoilm==9 between different CABLE set ups.

Within offline simulations cable_soilsnow has wbice at these points initialized to 0.9wb, in UM simulations initialize_soilsnow has the same initialization as 0.85wb

In practice both should be initialized to frozen_limitwb so as to minimize the energy/water mass shock on the first time step (as wbice is capped at MIN( wbice, frozen_limitwb) within subroutine smoisturev)

Absorb: #141

Issue migrated from trac:174 at 2023-11-27 11:23:45 +1100

penguian commented 6 years ago edited the issue description

penguian commented 6 years ago commented

see Ticket #106 as well for impact.

penguian commented 5 years ago changed owner from ` tojxs599`

penguian commented 5 years ago changed milestone from 6. Report to 3. Implementation

penguian commented 5 years ago commented

implement on UM side in JaC. USE cable_other_constants, ONLY frozen_limit. Can pick this up in offline later. Check #106 again

penguian commented 2 years ago commented

Ongoing discussion with Ian - interrupted by Xmas.

branch @ ^/branches/Users/jxs599/CABLE/Tickets/2021/174

penguian commented 1 year ago changed keywords from ice initilialization to ice initilialization maygit