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Supplying the namelist via cmd line bug / CASA issue #253

Open penguian opened 3 years ago

penguian commented 3 years ago

keyword_keepgit type_defect | by mgk576

In cable_driver.F90, cable_mpimaster.F90 & cable_mpiworker.F90

IF( (IARGC() > 0 ) .AND. (arg_not_namelist)) THEN
   CALL GETARG(1, filename%met)
   CALL GETARG(2, casafile%cnpipool)

I'm not clear what the aim of the above was(?) but this introduces a problem if the user supplies their own namelist file (which is presumably desirable and encouraged by the I/O) and they're using CASA. It means that CABLE will ignore the restart casa file supplied via the namelist, as it sets casafile%cnpipool to be the default, i.e. nothing.

For now this means if a user wishes to run CASA, they need to not supply the namelist file via the cmd line.

Issue migrated from trac:253 at 2023-11-27 11:33:00 +1100

penguian commented 3 years ago set milestone to 6. Report

penguian commented 1 year ago set keywords to keepgit