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stripping things out of cable_common #270

Open penguian opened 3 years ago

penguian commented 3 years ago

keyword_keepgit type_code improvement | by

cable_common.F90 has become the junk file where we put anything we wish to spread globally: casa_ncdf.F90 user options and some other switches stripped out of cable_common
some of the IO routines relegated to casa_ncdf This new file needs to be reviewed. Initially they were ncdf related functions but it grew to encompass more that should not be in here

Issue migrated from trac:270 at 2023-11-27 11:34:48 +1100

penguian commented 3 years ago _changed title from sripping things out of cable_common to stripping things out of cable_common_

penguian commented 1 year ago set keywords to keepgit