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evaporation output errors in offline code. #273

Open penguian opened 3 years ago

penguian commented 3 years ago

keyword_keepgit type_defect | by inh599

The offline model output routine converts latent heat fluxes to water fluxes as part of the daily/monthly etc, averaging process. This process, however, neglects the difference between evaporation and sublimation in the conversion as captured by the factor ssnow%cls.

Two minor changes to the routine cable_output.F90 are needed:

line 1857: out%Evap = out%Evap + REAL(canopy%fes/ air%rlam/ssnow%cls + canopy%fev/air%rlam,4)

line 1902: out%Esoil = out%Esoil + REAL(canopy%fes/air%rlam/ssnow%cls, 4)

Note the other evaporation outputs do not need to be changed as transpiration (out%Tveg) and evaporation from a wet canopy are assumed to be from liquid water reservoirs.

This conversion should have been applied as part of Ticket 137.

A check is needed to see if a modification of line 1857 is needed to accommodate SLI: Esoil has two cases and Evap is now using the latent heat flux from soil and canopy not the total.

Issue migrated from trac:273 at 2023-11-27 11:35:06 +1100

penguian commented 1 year ago set keywords to keepgit