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Biogeophysics spinup never ends #281

Closed penguian closed 2 years ago

penguian commented 3 years ago

keyword_v3-beta_nogit resolution_fixed type_defect | by ccc561

While testing CABLE v3-beta, we found a problem with the biogeophysics spinup. When it is turn on, it never stops and moisture and temperature don't seem to converge.

Issue migrated from trac:281 at 2023-11-27 11:35:55 +1100

penguian commented 3 years ago changed owner from somebody to ccc561

penguian commented 3 years ago changed component from biogeophys to offline

penguian commented 3 years ago commented

The issue was tracked to this part of offline/cable_mpimaster.F90.

          IF ( YYYY.EQ. CABLE_USER%YearEnd ) THEN
             ! store soil moisture and temperature
             soilTtemp = ssnow%tgg
             soilMtemp = REAL(ssnow%wb)
          END IF

The problem is this code is after the end of the Yearloop so YYYY=YearEnd+1. The problem is solved by changing the IF statement to:

             IF ( YYYY.GT. CABLE_USER%YearEnd ) THEN

But considering this comes after the Yearloop, the IF statement is actually superfluous.

This issue might require more attention as the cable_mpimaster.F90 and cable_driver.F90 handle the spinup quite differently.

penguian commented 3 years ago changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 3 years ago changed _comment1 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 3 years ago changed _comment2 which not transferred by tractive

penguian commented 3 years ago commented

Fix in branches/Users/ccc561/CABLE-3.0_beta_copy

penguian commented 3 years ago changed owner from ccc561 to jxs599

penguian commented 3 years ago set milestone to 2. Submission

penguian commented 2 years ago changed status from new to closed

penguian commented 2 years ago set resolution to fixed

penguian commented 2 years ago changed milestone from 2. Submission to 1. Closed

penguian commented 2 years ago commented

This ticket was pushed via CABLE3 inclusion in the trunk

penguian commented 1 year ago changed keywords from v3-beta to v3-beta nogit