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A saturated fraction bug in groundwater module #306

Open penguian opened 2 years ago

penguian commented 2 years ago

keyword_groundwater_module_maygit type_code improvement | by mm3972

According to the Eq 13 & 16 in Decker's 2015 JAMES article, the line 1890 in trunk/science/gw_hydro/cable_gw_hydro.F90 should be

1._r_2 - my_erf( slopeSTDmm * SQRT(2.0* S(i)) ) ) )

rather than

1._r_2 - my_erf( slopeSTDmm / SQRT(2.0* S(i)) ) ) )

This bug leads to an overestimation of soil saturated fraction and causes too much surface runoff. The bug probably exists in every version using cable_gw_hydro.F90, but only matters either cable_user%or_evap= True or cable_user%gw_model= True.

Issue migrated from trac:306 at 2023-11-27 11:38:43 +1100

penguian commented 2 years ago commented

Email sent to MGK and Meng

penguian commented 1 year ago changed keywords from groundwater module to groundwater module maygit