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break up cable soil snow #311

Closed penguian closed 2 years ago

penguian commented 2 years ago

keyword_nogit resolution_fixed type_code improvement | by

As a first step towards re-writing soil/snow routines, AND mainly prompted by debugging the current project which aims to port the trunk(CABLE-3) to ESM1.5, we need to further break up soilsnow. Previously this was all just thrown into 1 file (cable_soilsnow.F90). #71 separated these into 3 *_soilsnow routines. A special initialisation subs ONLY called when cable_runtime_coupled = .FALSE., and at t=0. A main() sub, including all the various call to worker SUBRoutines in _soilsnow_subrs.F90.

Here we break these down further into a sub per file/module.


Issue migrated from trac:311 at 2023-11-27 11:39:15 +1100

penguian commented 2 years ago edited the issue description

penguian commented 2 years ago commented

made a Quasi Trunk where it is assumed will get up 307, then 311, then sync ESM1.5, then JAC6.2

penguian commented 2 years ago changed status from new to closed

penguian commented 2 years ago set resolution to fixed

penguian commented 2 years ago changed milestone from 2. Submission to 1. Closed

penguian commented 2 years ago commented

pushed to trunk@8613

penguian commented 1 year ago set keywords to nogit