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screen level temperature broken in trunk #337

Closed penguian closed 1 year ago

penguian commented 2 years ago

keyword_screen_level_temperature_nogit resolution_fixed type_defect | by inh599

The code re-organisation @8873 has inadvertently broken the calculation of the screen-level temperature (canopy%tscrn) and then the screen-level humidity (canopy%qscrn). This is because the looping index iterplus is no longer set within cable_canopy and this is used to evaluate terms contributing to %tscrn.

There are two possible solutions:

The second option has the added advantage of a) removing the need for iterplus and b) (eventually) we could simplify the code so that %zetar and %zetarsh are single dimension (mp)-arrays.

Also - argument canopy_zetar and canopy_zetarsh in cbl_zetar() need to be INOUT variables. The trunk should/will fail rigorous compilation as it currently stands.

Issue migrated from trac:337 at 2023-11-27 11:42:09 +1100

penguian commented 2 years ago changed milestone from 6. Report to 3. Implementation

penguian commented 2 years ago commented

branch@ branches/Users/inh599/Ticket337

fix applied via the argument list method - this restores the old code structure/intent but is less efficient.

limited, single site, testing so far indicates that this branch successfully restores the functionality of the trunk @8873 - running benchcab for further analysis.

penguian commented 2 years ago changed milestone from 3. Implementation to 2. Submission

penguian commented 2 years ago commented

benchcab shows that this branch bitwise reproduces the trunk prior to the restructure at all single sites (170) considered, across 16 variables (energy fluxes, carbon fluxes, temperature and humidity diagnostics, soil temperature and moisture) and four science configurations

No spatial run testing has been undertaken - but this this is not expected to cause an issue.

Pass to Jhan for consideration/implementation in trunk.

penguian commented 1 year ago changed status from assigned to closed

penguian commented 1 year ago set resolution to fixed

penguian commented 1 year ago changed milestone from 2. Submission to 1. Closed

penguian commented 1 year ago commented

Close this, since #359 implements a fix.

penguian commented 1 year ago changed keywords from screen level temperature to screen level temperature nogit