CABLE-LSM / benchcab

Tool for evaluation of CABLE land surface model
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 3 forks source link

Add documentation for building, running and testing benchcab #240

Open abhaasgoyal opened 8 months ago

abhaasgoyal commented 8 months ago




module load conda
conda env create --name benchcab-dev --file .conda/benchcab-dev.yaml
conda activate benchcab-dev
pip install --user -e .
pip install -r mkdocs-requirements.txt

If using on Gadi, use ssh port forwarding

ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 <username>
mkdocs serve


Follow the user guide


Comparing Models


Add a docstring using numpy style. (autodocstring extension in VS Code can pre-populate for you, make sure to select numpy style on settings first).

SeanBryan51 commented 8 months ago

I think we use nccmp for doing bitwise comparisons between model outputs. I don't think we use cdo?

abhaasgoyal commented 8 months ago

@ccarouge could you clarify which module we use for doing bitwise comparisons, and what's the corresponding command?