CAD97 / fmod-rs

Rust bindings to FMOD Core and FMOD Studio
7 stars 1 forks source link

Make available in crates io ? #14

Open jestarray opened 1 year ago

jestarray commented 1 year ago I notice it's been reserved for a while, curious when its going to be published.

CAD97 commented 1 year ago

I'm actively working on the crate again, so "soon." My rough checklist for a 0.1 release of fmod-rs and versioned releases of the sys crates:

The first and the last ones are the firm requirements. Legal for obvious CYA reasons, and the examples to show that the bindings are complete enough to be properly useful. I'll estimate that the crate should be ready to be published before the end of July, just pending if I hear back from Firelight Technologies before then.

Until then, the bindings' code is publicly accessible in this repo and OSS licensed, so I can't stop anyone from using it. It's full intent to redistribute (i.e. on crates-io) that I want to get clearance for before doing.