CADWRDeltaModeling / dms_datastore

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Add other water quality params #19

Open dwr-psandhu opened 7 months ago

dwr-psandhu commented 7 months ago

Some of the missing ones are dissolved Bromide, Chloride, Organic Carbon, Nitrate,Phosphate, Sulphate

water-e commented 5 months ago

I may hold onto this as a generic issue but the debugging will go more easily if they are included one at a time.

@ZhenlinZhang can you prioritize these items for purposes of modeling or validating BGC runs? Would it be N and P?

@dwr-psandhu let list include everything regularly report for MWQI?

ZhenlinZhang commented 5 months ago

@water-e I will move the raw discrete water quality data from the Water Data Library, IEP and CEDEN to the repository. They should already included MWQP data. All the raw POTW data should also go into the repository. @dwr-psandhu If there are other water quality sources you would like me to include in addition to the above, please let me know.

ZhenlinZhang commented 5 months ago

@dwr-psandhu I've uploaded all discrete sampling data to \cnrastore-bdo\Modeling_Data\water_quality\discrete_sampling I talked to Peyman about the ion sampling data, and he got the data from two separated sources. 1) NCRO data: it seems that all NCRO data is already included in the water data library. 2) A Tetra Tech report. The report said that the data was sources from WDL, CCWD, and IEP. WDL and IEP should already be in the existing database and both NCRO and MWQI are programs that report their data to WDL. CCWD has three stations: Rock Slough Intake, Old River Intake, and Middle River Intake. I am not sure where they post their data or if their sampling effort is ongoing. I can ask Peyman to drop his ion sampling data to the above repository if that's a preferred solution. But it will have a lot of overlap with the existing databases from WDL and IEP.