CADWRDeltaModeling / dms_datastore

Data download and management tools for continuous data for Pandas. See documentation
MIT License
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screening scripts need to be cleaned up and committed #22

Closed dwr-psandhu closed 6 months ago

dwr-psandhu commented 7 months ago

Screening scripts are not in the repo. These need to be put under version control.

water-e commented 6 months ago

The screening scripts are now in the repo. auto_screen is a console (executable) script and the yaml configuration is in /config_data and it should be found there without intervention. Typical usage airlifted from auto_screen_tasks.bat is:

auto_screen --config screen_config_v20230126 --fpath w:\continuous_station_repo_beta\formatted --dest screened --plot_dest plots --params elev