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Update KM : 07-project-creation 專案建立 #119

Closed godmmt closed 2 months ago

godmmt commented 3 months ago

Add repo setting : Branch protection rule

original issue :

KM location :

godmmt commented 3 months ago

godmmt commented 3 months ago

專案建立| Project Creation


參考此篇 KM : 前端開發時程規劃與開票的標準作業程序(SOP)

在 GitHub 建立 Repository


截圖1/5 截圖2/5
  1. Create a new repository
  2. 輸入 Repository name,命名方式為 UpperCamelCase
  3. 選擇 Public
  4. add a README file
  5. add .gitignore : Node
  6. choose a license : MIT License


Repository settings : Branch protection rule (for main and develop branches)

✅ Require a pull request before merging
When enabled, all commits must be made to a non-protected branch and submitted via a pull request before they can be merged into a branch that matches this rule.

✅ Require approvals
When enabled, pull requests targeting a matching branch require a number of approvals and no changes requested before they can be merged.(Required number of approvals before merging: 1)

✅ Require status checks to pass before merging
Choose which status checks must pass before branches can be merged into a branch that matches this rule. When enabled, commits must first be pushed to another branch, then merged or pushed directly to a branch that matches this rule after status checks have passed.

✅ Require conversation resolution before merging
When enabled, all conversations on code must be resolved before a pull request can be merged into a branch that matches this rule. Learn more about requiring conversation completion before merging.

截圖3/5 截圖4/5 截圖5/5


Repository(a.k.a. Repo) 建立之後會產生預設主分支 main,接著拉出分支 Develop,再從 Develop 拉功能分支進行開發。

[!CAUTION] 所有程式碼不可以直接提交至 main,包含。

關於分支規劃的部份可參考此篇文章 Git Flow,以下為節錄:

在 GitHub 的 Repository,由 main 拉出一個 branch 叫做 develop。 接著就跟隨 Git Flow 的規則,從 develop 拉出開發者自己的 branch。 開發者開發完成該 branch 後,就建立 PR。 PR 由團隊主管審核後就會自動被併入 develop,開發者再將自己的 branch 刪除。 只有 main 和 develop 兩個分支會始終存在於 Repository,其餘功能分支開發完成後就要刪除。


參考此篇 KM : development environment


參考此篇 KM : README Writing

godmmt commented 3 months ago

took 1 hour
