CAFM-Connect / BIM-Profiles

BIM Profiles - Digital Information Exchange Requirements
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BIM-Profile Ifc4 #5

Open thoffeller opened 5 years ago

thoffeller commented 5 years ago

Hi, does it make sense to provide an Ifc4 / Ifc2x3 profile? If so, we can classify easily all Revit content with ifc classes ;-)

klacol commented 5 years ago

I have done this sometime. But I did not publish it yet.

The "IFC-Profile" included the IFC-Classes themself and the official Psets, related to the allowed classes in one language. Perhaps this makes sense, to transport also the core content in a compact way.

I think, I did not publish it, because I did not want to publish official IFC structure in a different way than buildingSMART does.

thoffeller commented 5 years ago

I don't see it as an competitor to the bs stuff. The BIM-Profile is a stripped down, hierachical view, completely different to the things bs provides. I want to use this only for classifying content, especially Revit for ifc exports.