CAIDA / catalog-data

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Normalize the "types" in data/data-papers.yaml to match valid bibtex types #560

Closed jes089 closed 1 year ago

jes089 commented 1 year ago
According to invalid valid
PhD thesis phdthesis
patent misc
thesis phdthesis
tech report techreport
online misc
tech_report techreport
class report misc
presentation misc
MSc thesis mastersthesis
in_joural article
in_proceedings inproceedings
BA thesis misc
BSc thesis misc
MS thesis mastersthesis
in_journal article
tech. report techreport
in_book book
preprint misc

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amacaida commented 1 year ago

@eyulaeva1 can you have @lbryton correct the data-papers.yaml file and make note that the entrytypes for a yaml entry need to be specific and valid? Seems like in the past some arbitrary entries were created and that went on unrecognized.