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new paper: DUET: A Generic Framework for Fi #571

Closed bhuffaker closed 1 year ago

bhuffaker commented 1 year ago
A publication using CAIDA data was reported by []( on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 23:32:38:
Title          : DUET: A Generic Framework for Finding Special Quadratic Elements in Data Streams
URL/DOI        :
Venue          : The Web Conference 2022
Authors        : 
Date           : Apr 2022
Datasets used  : Anonymized Internet Traces 2019
Keywords       : 
Related objects: 
Contact Name   : Jiaqian Liu
Contact Email  : [](
Comments       : 
amacaida commented 1 year ago

@bhuffaker FYI these go to the Elena's REU, currently @lbryton

bhuffaker commented 1 year ago

@VdotR Please add this paper to

bhuffaker commented 1 year ago

how tos:

VdotR commented 1 year ago

When running perl -ne 'print "$. $_" if m/[\x80-\xFF]/' data-papers.yaml to check for invalid characters I got the output above that's unrelated to the new paper that I've just added. Looking through them, I think I can fix some of them, but some papers have titles in another language. Should I fix these?

111 TITLE  : "SFCMon: Um sistema de monitoramento eficiente e escalável para fluxos de rede em domínios habilitados para SFC"
112 CTITLE : "Sociedade Brasileira de Computação"
1222 YEAR   : "2018–06"
3130 TITLE  : "Erkennung von IP-Spoofing fur UDP-basierte Protokolle mittels Rückfragen"
6116 TITLE  : "Finding an elite feature for (D)DoS fast detection—Mixed methods research"
6589 TITLE  : "RIP – A robust IP access architecture"
6735 TITLE  : "Identificando Botnets Geradoras de Ataques DDoS Volumétricos por Processamento de Sinais em Grafos"
6764 AUTHOR : "Kumar, P., Raj, A., Selvakumar, S. "
7233 TITLE  : "Uma Arquitetura Baseada na Teoria do Perigo para Predicao de Ataques de Segurança em Redes Autonomicas"
8549 TITLE  : "Multi-path inter-domain routing: The impact on BGP’s scalability, stability and resilience to link failures"
8925 PAGE   : "42–53"
9348 AUTHOR : "Dainotti, A., Donato, W., Pescapé, A."
9772 TITLE  : "SDNSandbox — Enabling learning-based innovation in provider networks"
10404 PAGE   : "66–78"
11888 CTITLE : "Italian Conference on CyberSecurity (ITASEC’21)"
12436 TITLE  : "Analysis of Intrusion Detection Approaches for Network Traffic Anomalies with Comparative Analysis on Botnets (2008–2020)"
13004 TITLE  : "Decision Tree‐Based Entries Reduction scheme using multi‐match attributes to prevent flow table overflow in SDN environment"
14117 TITLE  : "Triplet Censors: Demystifying Great Firewall’s DNS Censorship Behavior"
14970 TITLE  : "Estudio de factibilidad técnica del uso de bases de datos Key-Value-Store en servidores de nombres DNS"
15220 TITLE  : "Comparative Analysis of the Financial Statements of US Telecommunication Companies on the Example of AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. in the Years 2016–2018"
15265 AUTHOR : "Martins, R., Villaça, R., Verdi, F."
16348 TITLE  : "Experiences Deploying Multi-Vantage-Point Domain Validation at Let’s Encrypt"
16572 TITLE  : "The generalized extreme learning machines: Tuning hyperparameters and limiting approach for the Moore–Penrose generalized inverse"
17304 PAGE   : "753–762"
17347 AUTHOR : "Nawrocki, M., Hiesgen, R., Schmidt, T., Wählisch, M."
17549 TITLE  : "Intrusion Detection System in Software-Defined Networks Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques –A Comprehensive Survey"
18007 AUTHOR : "Livadariu, I., Dreibholz, T., Al-Selwi, A., Bryhni, H., Lysne, O., Bjørnstad, S., Elmokashfi, A."
18070 TITLE  : "A review on machine learning–based approaches for Internet traffic classification"
18667 PAGE   : "763–764"
18716 PAGE   : "629–631"
18760 TITLE  : "DDoS Attack’s Simulation using Legitimate and Attack Real Data Sets"
18954 TITLE  : "Discrimination of DDoS attacks and Flash Events using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Method"
19049 AUTHOR : "Saganowski, Ł., Choraś, M., Renk, R., Hołubowicz, W."
19680 URL    : “"
20853 GEOLOC : "Saarbrücken, DE"
20875 TITLE  : "Internet Traffic Volumes are Not Gaussian—They are Log-Normal: An 18-Year Longitudinal Study With Implications for Modelling and Prediction"
21187 AUTHOR : "Ates, Cagatay; Ozdel, Suleyman; Anarım, Emin"
21210 TOPKEY : "ddos‐20070804"
21255 TOPKEY : "ddos‐20070804, telescope-3days-conficker"
21358 TOPKEY : "ddos‐20070804"
21373 TOPKEY : "ddos‐20070804"
21388 TOPKEY : "ddos‐20070804"
21418 TOPKEY : "ddos‐20070804"
21448 TOPKEY : "ddos‐20070804"
21461 TOPKEY : "passive-oc48, passive-2016, ddos‐20070804"
bhuffaker commented 1 year ago

No fix what you can. Leave the rest .

VdotR commented 1 year ago

Fixed some part of the file and created pull request #581

VdotR commented 1 year ago

Closed the issue since PR is approved