CAIDA / catalog-data

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553 add routeviews data #591

Closed trdavidt closed 1 year ago

trdavidt commented 1 year ago

Closes issue #553

bhuffaker commented 1 year ago

def parse_data_papers(filename): with open(filename, "r", encoding='utf-8') if not routeviews else open(to_parse, "r") as fin:

-I don't understand what you're doing here.  The original already had ; as a delineator.  You should split on that then ,

AUTHOR : "Yangsheng Yan; Fuliang Li; Wei Wang, W., Wang, X." AUTHOR : "Yan, Y., Li, F., Wang, W., Wang, X."

trdavidt commented 1 year ago
the manual and routeviews file should be treated the same, just load order

You should avoid globals when ever possible.
-The filename should be parsed and called locally.

Thank you for the feedback, I will make changes as soon as I can. I was reading both yaml's with different options because of a unicode error, but this is not a problem if I use the latest version of data-papers.yaml.

AUTHOR : "Yangsheng Yan; Fuliang Li; Wei Wang, W., Wang, X."
AUTHOR : "Yan, Y., Li, F., Wang, W., Wang, X."

Sorry, I mistakenly thought that the authors needed to be delimited by the same delimeter to be split properly. However, it looks like each author can only be split into first/last name if they are separated by a comma (code). This means each author would need to Last, First or Last, First initial.

bhuffaker commented 1 year ago

comment in issue