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bug: only add related pubdb objects to access when matching title #606

Closed jes089 closed 1 year ago

jes089 commented 1 year ago

Right now, the pubdb script will add all "related objects" to the "access" field when an object has related objects. (this is ONLY for pubdb papers and presentations) This is beneficial because presentations may be presented after the paper, and then someone would need to update the previous paper object to include a link to the presentation

However, for some objects, like this presentation; there is a related object that should not be included in the "access links" (the Menlo report)

Another problem is when the "link" is manually added on pubdb, but then is re-added from the script; as shown in this example

To fix:

Should be somewhere around this file and line

bhuffaker commented 1 year ago

resolved with 54c3985931a271926bb2662b2e51419b35bcc041