CAIDA / catalog-data

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external paper: Improving Internet Path Property Inference #801

Open richmass1 opened 1 month ago

richmass1 commented 1 month ago

title: Improving Internet Path Property Inference
venue: ETH Zurich
year: 2023
  - id: 'dataset:passive_merged_pcap'
    - 'We use two datasets: one actual packet trace based on CAIDA data and NetFlow samples from a Tier-1 ISP. The packet trace is based on a 2018 CAIDA trace [65] (1.5 billion packets; one hour long),'
    - '[65] CAIDA. The CAIDA UCSD Anonymized Internet Traces 2018. https: / / www . caida . org / catalog / datasets / passive_dataset. (Accessed: 2023-07-28).'
  - id: 'dataset:as_relationships_serial_1'
    - 'As explained in [4, § 6.1], we emulate an Internet topology with more than 600 ASes based on CAIDA data [129] '
    - '[129] CAIDA. The CAIDA AS Relationships Dataset, <2019-08-01>. (Accessed: 2023-07-28).'