CAIDA / pybgpstream

Python bindings for BGPStream
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Drop in messages received from V1 #10

Open LukeFenton opened 5 years ago

LukeFenton commented 5 years ago


Something to note, I have previously been using pyBGPStream to get all update messages from all of the Routeviews collectors.

More recently I have noticed a large drop in messages from 25m per hour to around 3m per hour.

Does this have anything to do with the recent move to version 2 ?



alistairking commented 5 years ago

Can you clarify if you are noticing a drop compared to V1, or if you have noticed a drop recently in V2?

LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

I am noticing a drop compared to V2.

I was receiving 25m + per hour on V1 up until the 20th Feb and on v1 am only receiving about 3m per hour.

When using v2 I am seeing 25m per hour once again.

alistairking commented 5 years ago

I checked our continuous processing (which runs V1) and things seem to have been pretty stable for us. Any chance you can narrow the difference down to certain collectors?

LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

I don't currently have a break down from February. Though I do have a 15 minute chunk from 28th January. I don't know if it is useful but shows a break down of collectors at that time. During this time we were getting peaks of 25m per hour.

I can see that v2 is pulling from more locations and don't know whether somethings has changed in v1 since

    08-45 - 09:00. 28/01/19 08-45 - 09:00. 28/01/19
    Version 1 Version 2
route-views2   547,817 547,817
route-views3     334,852
route-views4   399,996 399,996
route-views6   50,623 50,623
route-views.eqix     195,118
route-views.isc   87,520 87,520
route-views.kixp   206 206
route-views.jinx   27,543 27,543
route-views.linx     2,576,186
route-views.telxatl   91,227 91,227
route-views.wide   13,936 13,936   95,496 95,496
route-views.saopaulo   210,833 210,833
route-views.nwax   50,929 50,929
route-views.perth   552 552   134,977 134,977
route-views.sfmix     36,629
route-views.soxrs   1,928 1,928
route-views.chicago     127,786
route-views.napafrica     152,593
route-views.flix     255,555
route-views.chile     18,974
Other - r-v.wide      
    1,713,583 5,411,276
LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

I will get a break down of number of messages per collector for an hour before and after the drop in messages. I can provide this breakdown when i get the data.

LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

@alistairking I have compered the result of a BGPreader, running from 20th Feb 01:00-02:00, to the result of v1 PyBGPStream output using this code.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from _pybgpstream import BGPStream, BGPRecord, BGPElem

# Create a new bgpstream instance and a reusable bgprecord instance
stream = BGPStream()
rec = BGPRecord()

message_count = 0

# Consider this time interval:
# Sat Aug  1 08:20:11 UTC 2015
stream.add_filter('record-type', 'updates')


# Start the stream

# Get next record
    # Print the record information only if it is not a valid record
    if rec.status != "valid":
        print rec.project, rec.collector, rec.type, rec.time, rec.status
        elem = rec.get_next_elem()
            #print rec.project, rec.collector, rec.type, rec.time, rec.status,
            #print elem.type, elem.peer_address, elem.peer_asn, elem.fields
            message_count += 1
            elem = rec.get_next_elem()

print 'number of messages = ', message_count

The result of the python was number of messages = 3,201,436

However I ran the same timeframe with bgpreader -

bgpreader -p routeviews - t updates -w 1550624400,1550628000 | wc -l 

I got a result of 12,156,311

This seems to be something weird going on with PyBGPStream maybe?



alistairking commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot for doing that. What version of BGPStream are you using? We released 1.2.2 ( a few weeks back which fixes a bug in PyBGPStream -- I wonder if that is the same thing you're running into?

LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

I can get the version and try this tomorrow and see whether this makes a difference. Is that v1.2.2 of libbgpstream?

alistairking commented 5 years ago

It's both libbgpstream and pybgpstream. If you go to that link you'll find tarballs for both packages.

LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

Oh okay I’ll have a look tomorrow and get back to you. Thanks

LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

Hi @alistairking, I have updated to 1.2.2 and run the same code and have gotten the same results.

BGPReader - 12,156,311
PyBGPStream - 3,201,508
LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

Turns out an additional in between the -t flag caused the discrepancy between pybgstream and bgpreader.

This doesn't explain the drop in messages from 05:00 on Feb 20th

LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

Okay so after investigation, I have pulled data using pybgpreader and documented the number of update messages per hour for 06/03/2019 and 30/10/2018. As you can see there is a very large difference between the number of messages.

Is there anything on your end which could explain this drop?


L RVMessageComparion.xlsx

alistairking commented 5 years ago

@LukeFenton we haven't forgotten about this and are still looking into the problem. Sorry for the delay.

alistairking commented 5 years ago

A small update.

It seems that this data has the "Extended Time" (ET) MRT format (, which the version of libbgpdump that we're using in v1 does not support. I'll look into how hard it will be to add/backport support for this.

Here is a bgpreader config that can be used to reproduce this problem:

bgpreader -d singlefile -o upd-file,
alistairking commented 5 years ago

Here's the commit that added ET support to libbgpdump:

We will need to backport this to the version embedded in libbgpstream:

@LukeFenton (and others interested) I'm not sure we'll have time to work on this in the very near future, so if you want to take a stab at a PR, that would be much appreciated.

LukeFenton commented 5 years ago

Hi @alistairking,

Thanks very much for the reply, is this something which should be transferred into an issue in libbgpstream?


alistairking commented 5 years ago

No, this is an issue that only affects V1 (this repo) and not V2 (the libbgpstream repo).

The repo structure is a bit confusing because we split the libbgpstream and pybgpstream repos for V2.