CAIDA / pybgpstream

Python bindings for BGPStream
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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[Doc] kind of an update {R, A, W, S} / a bit off topic #24

Open cherepanovic opened 4 years ago

cherepanovic commented 4 years ago

Hello bgpstream community,

my request is a bit off topic. Could you provide a description of the BGP updates (and format description of a message). The official documentation from is too textuall (too much text, no overview).

Thank a lot!

digizeph commented 4 years ago

Hey @cherepanovic , thanks for using BGPStream!

Can you take a look at this documentation on data encoding in bgpstream and see if it clarifies things for you?

cherepanovic commented 4 years ago

Is there any possibility to request the rips and updates from a collector at the same time?

It seems that I have to make two requests for the same time in order to get these two types of updates.

digizeph commented 4 years ago


try record_types=["updates","ribs"], when initializing BGPStream object. The following example should print out both ribs and updates.

import pybgpstream

# create and configure the stream
stream = pybgpstream.BGPStream(
    from_time="2017-07-07 00:00:00", until_time="2017-07-07 00:10:00 UTC",
    collectors=["", "route-views.eqix"],
    filter="peer 11666 and prefix more"

# add any additional (or dynamic) filters
# e.g. from peer AS 11666 regarding the more-specifics of
# stream.parse_filter_string("peer 11666 and prefix more")
# or using the old filter interface:
# stream.add_filter("peer-asn", "11666")
# stream.add_filter("prefix-more", "")

# read elems
for elem in stream:
    # record fields can be accessed directly from elem
    # e.g. elem.time
    # or via elem.record
    # e.g. elem.record.time

# alternatively, records and elems can be read in nested loops:
for rec in stream.records():
    # do something with rec (e.g., choose to continue based on timestamp)
    print("Received %s record at time %d from collector %s" % (rec.type, rec.time, rec.collector))
    for elem in rec:
        # do something with rec and/or elem
        print("  Elem Type: %s" % elem.type)
cherepanovic commented 4 years ago

I have already tried it and got a failure

  File "", line 71, in __init__
    record_type= ["updates","ribs"],
  File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pybgpstream/", line 62, in __init__
    self._maybe_add_filter("record-type", record_type, record_types)
  File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pybgpstream/", line 93, in _maybe_add_filter, f)
TypeError: argument 2 must be str, not list
digizeph commented 4 years ago

Note that it should be record_types, not record_type. record_types accept an array, while record_type accepts a single string.