CAIDA / pybgpstream

Python bindings for BGPStream
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Cascade Failed to parse message from C binding as exception #36

Open andydavidson opened 3 years ago

andydavidson commented 3 years ago


When running in stream mode, my stream processor output this text:

2020-08-26 22:46:45 70766: bgpstream_parsebgp_common.c:594: ERROR: Failed to parse message from '' (-2:Invalid Message)

.. and then stopped receiving messages. It would be good to receive this as a Python exception so that I could handle or ignore it as appropriate (and for messages to continue).

shane-zhang commented 3 years ago

I also encounter the same problem, but the program seems to work in the end. Have you checked the result? And what version of BGPStream did you use? My error message shows a different line#.

Update: I went back to check my log again, I found all the error message is concentrated at amsix, and in my data process, I also found errors related to amsix. Could that be a router's problem?