CALIPSO-project / SPINacc

A spinup acceleration procedure for land surface models (LSM)
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log file #7

Closed dsgoll123 closed 3 years ago

dsgoll123 commented 3 years ago

Could we add some lines specifying if the tool was successful or not.

e.g. Task 3 log.MLacc_CNP ends with 'Counter(lab):Counter({0: 173}) litter PFT15 element2 subp2: R2=1.000 , RMSE=0.00, slope=nan'

I am not sure it crashed or not.

YilongWang commented 3 years ago


obfiscator commented 3 years ago

This is useful, thanks. I had the same problem, but it seems to be fixed. At least, I see that Task 1 has completed, and I only tried to run Task 1.

I suggest we close this issue for now.