CANBeWell / web

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Link error/change method #6

Closed AaronJustusGodkinJackson closed 5 years ago

AaronJustusGodkinJackson commented 5 years ago

When you click on a link, it should open a new window in front of the CanBeWell page that the user is currently on. The new window should be smaller than the CanBeWell window, so that the user is clear that they should close it when they are done.

This should minimize the reloading error that I will link here in the future, because the user won't be backtracking into the page.

Not yet sure what to do when it comes to mobile users.

AaronJustusGodkinJackson commented 5 years ago

The iframe tag might be an option worth trying, for displaying page content of another page within a page.

This might help with making it phone compatible.