CANFLUX / Calculation_Procedures

Ini files for cleaning under ../Database/Calculation_Procedures
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Reverted to prveious version for now #110

Closed June-Skeeter closed 1 week ago

June-Skeeter commented 1 week ago

I have reverted back to the previous version of RAD_FirstStage_include.ini

As far as I can see, the BB 1/2 ini files are the only ones that make use of this routine yet so it shouldn't effect anything else? The updates made in this commit caused an error in the first stage processing for BB1/2 with the following traceback:

Reading first stage ini file: 
   Reading included file: C:\Database\Calculation_Procedures\TraceAnalysis_ini\RAD_FirstStage_include.ini. 
Error in trace #4 on line number: 83!
In file: C:\Database\Calculation_Procedures\TraceAnalysis_ini\RAD_FirstStage_include.ini
  MException with properties:

    identifier: 'MATLAB:m_missing_operator'
       message: 'Invalid expression. Check for missing multiplication operator, missing or unbalanced delimiters, or other syntax error. To construct matrices, use brackets instead of parentheses.'
         cause: {}
         stack: [5×1 struct]
    Correction: []

   Reading included file: C:\Database\Calculation_Procedures\TraceAnalysis_ini\EC_FirstStage_include.ini. 
   140 traces read from the ini file. 
   140 traces that exist in year 2023 are kept for processing.
Cleaning traces ...

As a result, clean SW_IN_1_1_1, LW_IN_1_1_1, PPFD_IN_1_1_1, etc. traces were not created for BB This caused issues down the chain with the EddyPro processing routine which auto-generates biomet.csv files from the Clean/SecondStage data. I don't have time to sort out the issue, so I've just reverted back to the previous working version for now. Please confirm a future update to this routine works before pushing to vinimet because otherwise it blocks out some important traces.