CANFLUX / Calculation_Procedures

Ini files for cleaning under ../Database/Calculation_Procedures
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Updating ECCC for both OHM and YOUNG #55

Closed tedscott closed 11 months ago

tedscott commented 11 months ago

YOUNG's data from ECCC Newdale ended in Sept 2022 so using Hogg's same site after that date

OHM ECCC data was only working locally - refactored to match Zoran's structure on vinimet

znesic commented 11 months ago

Hi Ted, Please add hour,min,sec to the datenums otherwise it may skip a day [datenum(2021,1,1) datenum(2022,09,1); datenum(2022,09,2) datenum(2999,1,1)]

should be: [datenum(2021,1,1) datenum(2022,09,1,23,59,0); datenum(2022,09,2) datenum(2999,1,1)]

Cheers, Zoran