CANopenNode / CANopenDemo

CANopenNode tutorial and testing
Apache License 2.0
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Provide an example working with two CAN interfaces #1

Open Voldemaar84 opened 3 years ago

Voldemaar84 commented 3 years ago

Hello. Could you provide an example of code working with two CAN IFs ? I have Linux x86-64 PC with PCIe dual CAN card. Interfaces are can0 and can1. I have two ODs (OD1.c, OD1.h, OD2.c, OD2.h) OPT += -DCO_MULTIPLE_OD in Makefile. What to do next? Example code in "demo" directory cannot be compiled with 'OPT += -DCO_MULTIPLE_OD'


CANopenNode commented 3 years ago

It is advanced topic. You can make own main.c or even own CANopen.c file, etc.

Basic example with CO_MULTIPLE_OD enabled (but still one OD) was recently added. See: