CANopenNode / CANopenEditor

CANopen Object Dictionary Editor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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move eds import&export to its own file #104

Closed nimrof closed 7 months ago

nimrof commented 7 months ago

Trying to move import & export code away from eds.cs

closes #105

nimrof commented 7 months ago

@CANopenNode im not done, but was it something like this you thought about? Just move all "every" write/parse function into its own file

Suggestion about the name of the new file are welcome :)

CANopenNode commented 7 months ago

Yes, that is something I thought. I hope, about 1000 lines will go out from eds.cs.

Maybe edsImportExport.cs, could be CanOpenEds.cs, similar as other CANopen*.cs files, which do the same thing.

For eds.cs I would be more ambitious. According to my ideal, it would represent a CANopen device, a core, not related to any specific importer/exporter (eds, xml, etc.), but should contain all device information for any exporter or GUI window in a clear way. But that means rearrange of the whole file and update "99+references" to many objects all around. With some smart approach and modern tools this may not be such a hard work? Or yes?

If we decide to bite into this, then should agree all three of us and then discuss and cooperate. After finishing that part application should look and behave more or less the same as now.

trojanobelix commented 7 months ago

I think that's a good idea. But I'm afraid my C# skills aren't good enough for that. :-(

nimrof commented 7 months ago

Yes, that is something I thought. I hope, about 1000 lines will go out from eds.cs. 👍

Maybe edsImportExport.cs, could be CanOpenEds.cs, similar as other CANopen*.cs files, which do the same thing.

Good point, i will switch before im done.

For eds.cs I would be more ambitious. According to my ideal, it would represent a CANopen device, a core, not related to any specific importer/exporter (eds, xml, etc.), but should contain all device information for any exporter or GUI window in a clear way.

Sounds good at least in theory, and i have no better idea.

But that means rearrange of the whole file and update "99+references" to many objects all around. With some smart approach and modern tools this may not be such a hard work? Or yes?


If we decide to bite into this, then should agree all three of us and then discuss and cooperate. After finishing that part application should look and behave more or less the same as now.

Yes, agree

nimrof commented 7 months ago

I hope, about 1000 lines will go out from eds.cs.

1136 1389 lines :)

trojanobelix commented 7 months ago

I can recognise the goal and I like it. I've looked at the code and it's going in a very good direction. I hope to do some more testing next week and test the changes in the real workflow. So a "go" from me for now.

Thank you!

CANopenNode commented 7 months ago

eds.cs seems more manageable now. Its central part is public partial class EDSsharp, which is "electronic device description in c sharp" for a specific device we work on. With new EDSsharp() new object is created, which contains all the information: FileInfo, DeviceInfo, etc. and ods = new SortedDictionary<UInt16, ODentry>();. That is our CANopen device and I would like we look this "core" file this way.

The concept is OK, but the file is too messy.

For the beginning I will write a new file (just a proposal, without references) with rewritten EDSsharp class (or name it CanOpenDevice). It will be basically a database for our CANopen device. We could discuss about the details then.

I have a question: once we have a populated CanOpenDevice class instance, can we simply serialize it into a JSON file. And later load it back. Is this a good idea?

nimrof commented 7 months ago

eds.cs seems more manageable now. Its central part is public partial class EDSsharp, which is "electronic device description in c sharp" for a specific device we work on. With new EDSsharp() new object is created, which contains all the information: FileInfo, DeviceInfo, etc. and ods = new SortedDictionary<UInt16, ODentry>();. That is our CANopen device and I would like we look this "core" file this way.

The concept is OK, but the file is too messy.


For the beginning I will write a new file (just a proposal, without references) with rewritten EDSsharp class (or name it CanOpenDevice). It will be basically a database for our CANopen device. We could discuss about the details then.


I have a question: once we have a populated CanOpenDevice class instance, can we simply serialize it into a JSON file. And later load it back.

Yes, and its not that hard, but not sure how it works if we add/remove fields from the classes at a later time, but that is a problem with most formats. System.Text.Json

Is this a good idea?

I am not sure yet, but not against the idea.

What we need is a format that has "native" support for everything that xdd and edi has + canopennode things? We can use xdd and add use the xdd properties to store canopennode things, but we do not want that because ?

CANopenNode commented 7 months ago

JSON seems very simple to me, almost 1:1 with the class, all automatic. As from the link:

Any JSON properties that aren't represented in your class are ignored by default. Also, if any properties on the type are required but not present in the JSON payload, deserialization will fail.

What we need is a format that has "native" support for everything that xdd and edi has + canopennode things? We can use xdd and add use the xdd properties to store canopennode things, but we do not want that because ?

xdd1_1 stores canopennode things. It is also used as default project file. But that format is very complex and CANopenEditor supports it only partly. Luckily it allows storing custom properties, but limited. JSON seems just so much easier and more useful for the project file. Besides JSON can be loaded also to python or other languages. Of course, we could still use xdd or eds for import/export, as now.

nimrof commented 7 months ago

okay, sounds good to me