CARE-SM / CARE-Semantic-Model

Clinical And Registries Entries Semantic Model
MIT License
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Added a machine-readable format of the main image shown. #6

Closed andrawaag closed 3 weeks ago

andrawaag commented 3 weeks ago

This provides a machine-readable format of the schema shown on the main repo. Future iterations might add cardinality to the schema, which isn't currently shown in the schema and so would require some considerations since they are not expressed now.

pabloalarconm commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @andrawaag

Thank you for adding ShEx file validator in order to represent current CARE-SM schema.

Could you change SIO terms from Lexical description (sio:process) into coded-based description (sio:SIO_000006)?. SIO no longer support this lexical representation of the terms.

If its too much effort, I can do it by myself (Adding ShEx file for CARE-SM schema was a pending actions for this week in my agenda). Let me know.

Thank you! Pablo

pabloalarconm commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @andrawaag

Thank you for changing the terms. It seems there the predicates were still at the lexical representation. I have changed the predicates and added some minor extra aspects. Check them and if everything is fine, we can accept the pull request.

Cheers, Pablo

PREFIX sio: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX caresm: <>

caresm:identifierShape IRI {
    sio:SIO_000020 @caresm:roleShape ;
    a [sio:SIO_000115] ;
    sio:SIO_000300 xsd:string 

caresm:individualShape IRI {
    sio:SIO_000228 @caresm:roleShape ;
    a [sio:SIO_000498] ;

caresm:roleShape IRI {
    sio:SIO_000356 @caresm:processShape ;
    a [sio:SIO_000016] ;
    a [obo:OBI_0000093] ;

caresm:processShape IRI {
    sio:SIO_000291 @caresm:targetShape ; 
    sio:SIO_000139 @caresm:agentShape ;
    sio:SIO_000230 @caresm:inputShape ;
    sio:SIO_000229 @caresm:outputShape ;
    sio:SIO_000339 @caresm:protocolShape ;
    a [sio:SIO_000006] ;
    a @caresm:processTypeShape ;
    rdfs:comments xsd:string 

caresm:outputShape IRI {
    sio:SIO_000628 @caresm:attributeShape ;
    sio:SIO_000221 @caresm:unitShape ;
    a [sio:SIO_000015] ;
    a @caresm:outputTypeShape ;

caresm:protocolShape IRI {
    sio:SIO_000028 @caresm:substanceShape ;
    sio:SIO_000028 @caresm:actionSpecificationShape ;
    sio:SIO_000028 @caresm:concentrationShape ;
    sio:SIO_000028 @caresm:frequencyShape ;
    a [sio:SIO_000090] ;


caresm:concentrationShape IRI {
    sio:SIO_000221 @caresm:specificationUnitShape ;
    a [sio:SIO_001088] ;


caresm:specificProcessShape IRI {
    sio:SIO_000325 @caresm:processShape ;
    a [sio:SIO_000006] ;


caresm:inputShape IRI {
    a [sio:SIO_000015] 

caresm:targetShape IRI {
    a [sio:SIO_000015] 

caresm:agentShape IRI {
    a [sio:SIO_000015] 

caresm:attributeShape IRI {
    a [sio:SIO_000614] 

caresm:unitShape IRI {
    a [sio:SIO_000074] 

caresm:substanceShape IRI {
    a [sio:SIO_000315] 

caresm:actionSpecificationShape IRI {
    a [sio:SIO_000091] 

caresm:frequencyShape IRI {
    a [sio:SIO_001367] 

caresm:specificationUnitShape IRI {
    a [sio:SIO_000074] 