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more helpful text in the "no results" message after a search #281

Open gibsonjc opened 6 years ago

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

UIC- 12/15/2017 open call - The default text when you get no results would ideally include some locally configurable text that libraries could use to help instruct their users about other options like ILL, contact info, etc.

It could also be written to sound more supportive/encouraging.

Perhaps add link to retry search in I-Share like 0.6.

Default text:

No Results!

Your search - asdfasdf - did not match any resources. You may be able to get more results by adjusting your search query.

dgree1 commented 6 years ago

How about this text:

Your search - fjfjfu68 - did not match any resources. Check your spelling. Try using less words or a wildcard symbol at the end of the text like "mary tod*"

Possibly add too: "Try your search in all I-Share libraries rather than your home library."

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

IIT - In VuFind 4 when someone enters a search with no results in the local catalog they get a No Results! message that doesn't mention I-Share at all. Could we get a link for the user to redo the search in I-Share? This functionality exists in the VuFind .6 catalog. RT 97919

dmcmpbll commented 6 years ago

We asked the CARLI Instruction Committee to weigh in on possible wording. Their suggested wording is:

No results. Your search - SEARCH TERMS HERE - did not match any resources.

You may be able to get more results by adjusting your search terms: o Check your spelling. o Revise your phrase by removing some words. o Repeat your search in the I-Share catalog. (link) o Review the Search Tips. (link)

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

There seem to be defaults in place, but I think these can be further refined in the no results area in searches.ini

; Available modules recommended for use in the "no results" area: ; ; AlphaBrowseLink:index ; Use the query to generate a link to the specified alphabrowse index ; DOI:[prefix] ; Detect DOIs in the user search query. If a DOI makes up part of the search, ; display a link to resolve it. If it makes up the entire query, redirect to ; the resolver automatically. [prefix] is the URL of the resolver to which ; the DOI itself will be appended. ; Libraryh3lp:[type]:[id]:[skin] ; Display a chat box for the Libraryh3lp service. [type] indicats the type ; of chat being used (either "queue" or "user"). [id] is the name of the ; queue or user. [skin] is optional and specifies a skin number to use. ; RemoveFilters ; Suggests removing facet filters to retrieve more results. ; SwitchQuery:[backend]:[opt-out checks to skip]:[opt-in checks to add] ; This module analyzes the user's query and offers suggestions for ways to ; improve it. [backend] is the name of the search backend currently in use, ; which will help with accurate analysis (default = Solr). [opt-out checks ; to skip] is a comma-separated list of checks which are on by default but ; which you wish to disable. [opt-in checks to add] is a comma-separated ; list of transforms that are off by default but which you wish to enable. ; See the check*() methods in the module's code for a complete list of ; available checks. The $optInMethods property specifies which checks are ; turned off by default. ; SwitchTab ; If multiple tabs are active, suggest that the user try searching in a ; different one. ; SwitchType:[field]:[field description] ; If the current search type is not the same as [field], display a link ; suggesting that the user try switching to [field]. [field description] ; is the human-readable description of [field]. Default values are ; 'AllFields' and 'All Fields' respectively.

below this explanation there are specific settings for when you get no results with a Call Number search, and they can refer to the variables in /languages/en.ini, like:

switchquery_fuzzy = "Performing a fuzzy search may retrieve terms with similar spellings" switchquery_intro = "You may be able to get more results by adjusting your search query." switchquery_lowercasebools = "If you are trying to use Boolean operators, they must be ALL CAPS" switchquery_truncatechar = "Shorten your search query to broaden your results" switchquery_unwantedbools = "The words AND, OR and NOT may confuse the search; try adding quotes" switchquery_unwantedquotes = "Removing quotes may allow a broader search" switchquery_wildcard = "Adding a wildcard symbol may retrieve word variants" widen_prefix = "Try widening your search to"

side note: nohit_heading = "No Results!" is also in en.ini

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

SIC would like to see the option to search I-Share added to the no results text

Added 6/12/2018: RT 99929 - We would like to have a link on the local catalog "No results page" instructing patrons to repeat search in I-Share.

This is what we get in Vufind 4.1 when no result is found. It would be great to have a link to I-Share that executes the same search as the one that failed but if that is not possible hopefully adding a link to the I-Share search form is easy to implement. See Vufind 4.1 example;

It would be ideal if you could implement this "repeat search" functionality as it works in Vufind 0.6,

nmswanson commented 6 years ago

ISU - add repeat search in I-Share catalog to no result screen.

email 4/19/18 pg 31

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

BRA - ...I also noticed that VuFind 4 does not automatically generate a "Repeat search in the I-Share catalog?" when nothing is found from a local OPAC. I used a book Bradley does not have as an example: "Safe handling and restraint of animals: a comprehensive guide". Old VuFind 0.6:

New VuFind 4:

RT 100289

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

SIC - This is very important to SIC RT 99929

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

vufind/themes/bootstrap3/templates/search/results.phtml seems to define the nohit_heading as size <h2>

This entry in languages/en.ini might be a place we can add an html-based link to repeat the search in the I-Share catalog without having to define something new:

nohit_lookfor_html = "Your search - <strong>%%lookfor%%</strong> - did not match any resources."

The "lookfor" search term is already defined in results.phtml as well, so if we could also define a variable to pick up the catalog code (vf-xxx) and the search type the user did, perhaps we could set up the repeat search link. If the search type isn't able to be picked up from the original search, we could always default it to run as allfields.

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

LFC - When there’s a failed search, could the information below the search box (in the blue area) in I-Share be contextual? Or expanded in some way? Currently, for a failed ISBN search, this is the display:

No Results!

Your search - 1527505782 - did not match any resources.

You may be able to get more results by adjusting your search query.

If it could be contextual, that would be great, because the advice isn’t very helpful for ISBNs ☺

If it’s standard text across all searches, perhaps (I’ve tried to de-jargon the language a bit as well) You may be able to get more results by adjusting your search

Example search:

RT 102142

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

After much research on the 'no results' messages, I am fairly impressed with how contextual they already are. We can debate the wording of each message at a later time, but to start, let's work on an improvement to the nohit_lookfor_html message in languages/en.ini. By default it reads:

nohit_lookfor_html = "Your search - <strong>%%lookfor%%</strong> - did not match any resources."

Quest: For all Local Catalogs, can we add text to this message that says Repeat search in the I-Share catalog? that is a hotlink that repeats the same search but in the I-Share catalog? We would want to pick up the Local Catalog code (vf-xxx) and the search type from the original search.

Example: I search for "noresults" as a Title in UIU The link Repeat search in the I-Share catalog? would appear in the following text:

No Results Your search - noresults - did not match any resources. Repeat search in the I-Share catalog? [and then of all the other contextual search suggestions in the light blue box that VuFind 4.x is already making by default...]

and the new repeat search text would be a hotlink to

cedelis commented 6 years ago

In TEST. E.g.,

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

"Repeat search in I-Share catalog?" addition is Ready for Prod

cedelis commented 6 years ago

"Repeat search in I-Share catalog?" addition In PROD.