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StackMap for DPU and UIC #320

Open gibsonjc opened 6 years ago

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

@cedelis @eschell @fellowsgl (I'm not sure which of you to tag.)

DPU asked on RT 99262 if we could try putting the same StackMap code that they already have in VuFind 0.6 into the header of New VuFind to see if it will work "as is".

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> 
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> 
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="" />

For background, we implemented this for them in VuFind 0.6 in RT 82442

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

To be clearer: let's try to put DPU's StackMap code on the TEST server for /vf-dpu/ to start to see if it works "as is" or not.

cedelis commented 6 years ago

I added the StackMap code on TEST for DPU. It does not work "as is":

So, it appears that there need to be customizations made to the following (javascript and/or CSS) in order for it to work probably with this new version of VuFind:

Obviously, if they wish to support both the "old" and "new" versions, they would need to create a separate set of these files, e.g.,

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

This page reinforces that DPU needs to get new custom URLs from StackMap and describes where the code should be inserted:

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

On 7/20, I received a personal email from UIC (due to RT 100143) that said that StackMap staff are going to work on scripts for DPU and UIC for the VuFind version 4.x catalog. (As we suspected, StackMap staff said the scraping logic in DPU's existing 0.6 script is specific to 0.6.)

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

@cedelis and if needed, @eschell : Please try to install the two scripts below on TEST for UIC and DPU, respectively, according to the instructions at

From StackMap staff on RT 100868: "So we've finished creating the VuFind v4 scripts for both DePaul and UIC! Would you be so kind as to pass the script along to CARLI so that DePaul's v4 integration is pushed through as well?"

UIC -- VuFind v4:

return array(
'extends' => 'bootstrap3',
'js' => [
'css' => array(

DePaul -- VuFind v4:

return array(
'extends' => 'bootstrap3',
'js' => [
'css' => array(
cedelis commented 6 years ago

In Test.

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

This script works to add the Map indicator to the Location on the Results Page, but it seems to have a nasty side effect of make the "check boxes" next to the Exclude facets look like broken characters in Firefox, and a little funny in Chrome. Neither shows the nicely rounded check boxes anymore.

Even more importantly, the visual toggling on and off of the check boxes do not work in either Firefox or Chrome; it always looks like an unchecked box.

screen shot 2018-07-25 at 1 16 09 pm

For the record, Safari seems to look and toggle on/off fine.

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

UIC has updated code for VuFind 4 now per RT 100868. (No changes to DPU code.) Please replace what is on TEST for UIC with the following:

return array(
 'extends' => 'bootstrap3',
 'js' => [
 'css' => array(
gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

@cedelis UIC has more updated code for StackMap in VuFind 4 per RT 102169. Please replace what is currently on TEST for UIC with the following:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-T8Gy5hrqNKT+hzMclPo118YTQO6cYprQmhrYwIiQ/3axmI1hQomh7Ud2hPOy8SP1" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="" />
cedelis commented 6 years ago

@gibsonjc : I added the new css and js references to UIC on TEST. BTW, I accomplished this not by adding in the script and link reference tags noted above (STACKMAP CHANGES BEGIN HERE), but instead by configuring theme.config.php to include those reference. NOTE: I had to do this because otherwise VuFind would load two copies of jquery.min.js (CARLI's version is 2.1.1 and UIC's older version 1.11.1) which causes problems. It seems that CARLI's version (2.1.1) works okay (at least, I no longer receive javascript errors).

/usr/local/vufind$ more themes/uic/theme.config.php:

    'js' => array(
    'css' => array(
gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

@cedelis Thank you! It looks like the problem with the "Exclude" checkboxes not being checked or looking odd (see entry above on July 25) is no longer occurring in any browser version I have tried. I will ask UIC to review this on TEST.

cedelis commented 6 years ago

@gibsonjc BTW, just a reminder that DPU still does not work. Their js and css files are wreaking havoc with our javascript (open a javascript console and notice the error messages).

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

UIC staff report on RT 102169 that their StackMap code on TEST is ready to be moved to PROD at our convenience.

cedelis commented 6 years ago

UIC's changes are now in PROD.

gibsonjc commented 6 years ago

@cedelis DPU says that StackMap has also worked on their code and provided these new URLs:

Can you implement these for DPU on TEST as you did for UIC? Thanks!

cedelis commented 6 years ago

@gibsonjc I have made the changes and it does not look good. It breaks a lot of stuff. See attached image showing javascript errors. stackmap_dpu_errors

gibsonjc commented 5 years ago

@cedelis New code from StackMap for DPU. Can you try this on vf-dpu TEST when you get a moment? Thanks!

Code Snippet

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-T8Gy5hrqNKT+hzMclPo118YTQO6cYprQmhrYwIiQ/3axmI1hQomh7Ud2hPOy8SP1" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="" />
cedelis commented 5 years ago

@gibsonjc Looks better now. I wonder if it's because this time I decided to also include:

which is an older version of the library that vufind4 core uses. BTW, I am not sure how to replace the new with the old, so I didn't; I simply added it alongside the new version. Might want to test across different browsers.

Here's the latest themes/dpu/theme.config.php file:

return array(
    'extends' => 'carli',
    'js' => array(
    'css' => array(
gibsonjc commented 5 years ago

@cedelis The Map button appears correctly (it seems to me), but unfortunately I'm still seeing the display problems with our "Exclude" check boxes under Narrow Search on the Results page. In Firefox they look like missing characters, in Chrome the check boxes aren't checked when you have applied them, etc. as documented above in my screenshots of July 25. I wonder why DPU isn't working like UIC if you've implemented them the same way.

cedelis commented 5 years ago

@gibsonjc There's the difference between their implementations in that UIC's works with the more recent version of jquery (v2.1.1) wheras DPU's does not. I was able to get DPU's to almost work by including the older jquery library:

I wonder if it would be in DPU's interest to migrate their code so that it works with v2.1.1? Or better yet: perhaps use UIC as a template.

cedelis commented 5 years ago

@gibsonjc I decided to re-use UIC's boilerplate stackmap code and kept only DPU's StackMap object. It seems to work a lot better now. I wonder if they'd mind it if we used this version instead. It's currently hosted on our server ( ), but they can host it on theirs if they wish.

gibsonjc commented 5 years ago

@cedelis StackMap staff report: "We've concluded our work on the detail record buttons! We noticed that the code snippet is being loaded in by copying the contents of DePaul's VuFind v4 javascript and CSS files that we're hosting. Is this format being used for testing purposes? Regardless, these files have been updated on our end and will need to be updated on your end in order to view the changes."

I decided to re-use UIC's boilerplate stackmap code and kept only DPU's StackMap object. It seems to work a lot better now. I wonder if they'd mind it if we used this version instead. It's currently hosted on our server ( ), but they can host it on theirs if they wish.