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Titles by Location and Call Number Range with Most Recent Charge Date #135

Open dmcmpbll opened 7 years ago

dmcmpbll commented 7 years ago

"Titles by Location and Call Number Range with Most Recent Charge Date" is ready for testing.

We need to determine both for the Access version and for Web Reports whether to put the call number criteria in the DISPLAY_CALL_NO or NORMALIZED_CALL_NO field.

Once we know the field, can add info to the Notes.

dmcmpbll commented 7 years ago

I decided to use the NORMALIZED_CALL_NO field.

When running the query, the results are matching those found in Access comparisons.

When testing the query re: the steps in the wiki, I've found when I try to sort within WebReports on the MostRecentCharge field, I get an error (below). Sorting on the other fields were fine. The error was the same no matter whether displaying 10 results or all on screen.


gibsonjc commented 7 years ago

Q1: @dmcmpbll Can you possibly enhance the Location Code variable input to be like the Location dropdown in "Titles within a call number range at a specific location" ( in Description of a Library's Collection > General category) so that users don't have to know the location codes and type them in?

Q2: @dmcmpbll Will people know to find these two similar reports in two different categories? Should one be moved to be with the other? Or are they significantly different enough? Honest questions, I have no horse in this race.

Comment 1: @dmcmpbll if you search the GitHub Issues for "datatable" (remove "is:open" from the box so you can see closed issues in the results as well) you can find other Issues when this unhelpful generic error has occurred with reports in the past that can give you a start on things to check for, though in the end it might require @patrickzurek to have a look on the backend. :)

Comment 2: A side note to self @gibsonjc : the Notes field of that earlier report needs to be updated because it refers to location "code" but we've enhanced it to use the Location Name dropdown instead, oops.

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

@dmcmpbll Hey Debbie. I goofed and inadvertently lost some of the details in the report you were working on adding, sorry. You'll need to re-enter the information in the description fields (notes, what it does, etc.). I'll let you know when I'm done looking at it so you can take over.

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

@dmcmpbll I figured out what is going wrong with the query that's causing the datatables error when you sort by the last column. But I'm not sure how to fix it yet.

Also, I went ahead and changed the Location Code field with a Location Name dropdown box. It seems to be working. I selected 'Loop Career Info Coll' and it returns the same results as when I chose LCcic previously.

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

Monday I introduced a change on devel that determines if the type of a column to be sorted is of datetime. If it is, it checks if there's any empty (None type) dates in the results and replaces it with a placeholder date of 1-1-0001 for sorting purposes.

patrickzurek commented 7 years ago

I found a bug with this change replicated in the report "Authority Records Updated by Operator" run for DPU with a suitable wide date range. I'll be looking into it.