This is the carta-backend ICD tests based on the RxJS library
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ajm/jenkinsfile #14

Closed ajm-ska closed 6 months ago

ajm-ska commented 1 year ago

There is no hurry with this PR.

It adds a Jenkinsfile to the ICD-RxJS repository.

We can use it to run the full ICD test suite on any carta-backend branch. To change the carta-backend branch used, you first need to go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Global properties and find the BACKENDBRANCH variable. Change it to the branch name you want (at the moment it is set to dev). Click Save, then go to the ICD-RxJS-test-suite job and click Build Now.

(If running on carta-backend branches other than dev is a common use case, perhaps we could modify the carta-backend branch directly in ICD-RxJS/Jenkinsfile to whatever ICD-RxJS branch we are currently working on).

It will post a build status to our Slack #jenkins-build-status channel in the form of:

ICD-RxJS - Success - carta-backend: dev - ICD-RxJS: ajm/Jenkinsfile [a81f46f]

i.e. It shows the carta-backend branch name and ICD-RxJS branch name, plus a hyperlink straight to the Blue Ocean interface in Jenkins (Only accessible at ASIAA for security reasons).

We also get the final build status in Github in the form of the green and red ticks.

Currently, running it is only manual through the Jenkins interface. It does not run automatically with every commit.

ajm-ska commented 6 months ago

Now that we have retired Jenkins and use Github Actions, this is obsolete.