This is the carta-backend ICD tests based on the RxJS library
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ajm/icd test stages lists #43

Closed ajm-ska closed 6 months ago

ajm-ska commented 6 months ago


@acdo2002 Can we merge this to the main branch, please?

It has no effect on anything else in this repo. It is simply a list of the ICD tests. The filenames represent the stages, and contents of each file list the tests in each stage. The idea is that the carta-backend ICD tests, which run through GitHub actions, will read the tests like this:

        # Run ICD tests
        cd ICD-RxJS && \
        TEST_FILES=$(cat ICD_test_stages/${TEST_STAGE}.tests) && \
        for test_file in $TEST_FILES; do
          npm test -- $test_file

There are two advantages:

  1. It allows us to keep the Github Actions workflow file short
  2. We can simply add or remove tests from an existing stage without making a carta-backend PR.

(However, if new stages are to be added or old ones removed, then a carta-backend PR would still be needed because each stage is a separate "job" in the Github Actions workflow file. We have separate jobs so it will be easier to track down which test or tests fail.)

I have almost got the carta-backend workflow file working properly, but for that to be finished, this will need to be merged first.


For the pull request: