CATH-summer-2017 / domchop

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Notice Board #8

Open shouldsee opened 7 years ago

shouldsee commented 7 years ago

Hi guys, I will be coming late today (2pm onwards) if I managed to make it at all. This is due to me staying up last night and need some sleep.

Have fun!

miruuna commented 7 years ago

Hey guys! If you set up any meeting with Ian tomorrow, could it be after 1pm as I have work until 12?

shouldsee commented 6 years ago

Hi all, ama_entries has been transformed into a wiki page that supports Markdown! Please try to use the wiki page and abandon the ".tsv" file please! This will help organising the repository to contain more code.

shouldsee commented 6 years ago

Renamed ama_entries.tsv to entries_ama.tsv to allow easier ordering by filename.