Closed Jajaho closed 6 months ago
parc fermer wird beibehalten, 5 min vorbereitungszeit, eine verbindung mit pc ist erlaubt zum starten es wird aber ein punktemalus entsprechend der aktiven wifi verbindung gewertet.
Wir brauchen ne Ampel wenn wir das so machen wollen, ich kann eine mitbringen evtl.
Start Scheduling System start_scheduling
A traffic-light-like start scheduling system will signal the teams when to pick up their vehicle at the “parc fermé” and begin to prepare for starting. The traffic light will show the following stages:
Red: No preparation necessary
Green: When showing “green” the gate of the start box might open at any time. After each event, the vehicle must be returned to the “parc fermé” immediately. Batteries must again be separated from the system, the vehicle must be switched off. The remote control must be placed next to the vehicle in switched off state.
Remove the traffic light since it won't be ready on time. Find an alternative solution if possible (like using the beamer).
Let's use a digital "traffic-light" on our beamer in addition to a timer. This will allow team mambers and visitors to always see the current state of an attempt.
A traffic-light-like start scheduling system will signal the teams when to pick up their vehicle. The current wording of our regulations should already have this covered.
I removed the disclaimer about differences in our described competition schedule: 1094e939ff460f4d4f8cd187d4f7cad06fbb712c
I'll close this issue for now.
§7.3 Competition - muss einmal komplett überarbeitet werden Kein "parc fermé", Teams müssen nur rechtzeitig anwesend sein, sonst Zweitversuch Kein Start Scheduling System oder Überarbeitung