Cancer Imaging Phenomics Toolkit (CaPTk) is a software platform to perform image analysis and predictive modeling tasks. Documentation: https://cbica.github.io/CaPTk
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Please make the AppImage available for download #165

Open probonopd opened 5 years ago

probonopd commented 5 years ago


Please make the AppImage available for download.

Please DO NOT put an AppImage into another archive like a .zip or .tar.gz. While it may be tempting to avoid users having to set permission, this breaks desktop integration with the optional appimaged daemon, among other things. Besides, the beauty of the AppImage format is that you never need to unpack anything. Furthermore, packing an AppImage into some form of archive prevents the AppImage from being added to the central catalog of available AppImages at https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageHub.

sarthakpati commented 5 years ago

Hi @probonopd, thank you for your feedback. I am tagging @surrsurus for this ticket since he is handling our Linux deployment.

You will be able to find the AppImage from our Downloads page (referenced in 5_Downloads): https://www.nitrc.org/frs/?group_id=1059

surrsurus commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm definitely going to be taking a look at this, for us the AppImage is a relatively new development and we are definitely going to be putting more work into how we package our software for Linux. Our goal is to ultimately be able to include our license agreement within the AppImage, which means we wouldn't need another tool to package around it, because I definitely agree that the AppImage format shouldn't need to be packed in any way. I'll definitely be working on this as other Linux related tasks clear up.

sarthakpati commented 5 years ago

Hey @surrsurus this is fixed, right?

PhucNgo1711 commented 5 years ago


PhucNgo1711 commented 5 years ago


sarthakpati commented 5 years ago


probonopd commented 5 years ago

Thanks @sarthakpati, where can the AppImage be downloaded?

sarthakpati commented 5 years ago

We are currently testing this on our end. It will be reflected in our Downloads page (currently, we have the full installer there, which "installs" the AppImage - we need this to have a confirmation of our license since this is a non-FDA approved software).

probonopd commented 5 years ago

Please don't have an installer that "installs" the AppImage; instead, display your license text upon first boot inside the application, and/or display it on the download page.

Reference: https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/wiki/Creating-AppImages#common-mistake

sarthakpati commented 5 years ago

Hey @probonopd: we are using makeself to do a wrapper installation that does some basic checks before extracting the AppImage [ref] since we found that our users needed these checks in place. Is there any way to integrate the checks mentioned in that file inside the AppImage itself?

probonopd commented 5 years ago

Sure, make the application itself do the checks. And never make an AppImage need "install" anything, just bundle everything the AppImage needs to run inside the AppImage.

Reference: https://docs.appimage.org/introduction/concepts.html#do-not-depend-on-system-provided-resources

sarthakpati commented 3 years ago

Because of some legal/administrative requirements, we need to put in a license prior to installation of CaPTk that highlights the fact that this is not FDA/CE approved. Thus, the current installation mechanism shall remain intact and I am working on providing a one-off link for AppImage testing [ref].

probonopd commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to show the license/terms and condition screen as the first thing when the application is launched? The application could then exit if the user does not accept the terms.

sarthakpati commented 3 years ago

Will ask around. In any case, I have created a one-off AppImage link for the current release. Will keep it persistent until I figure out how to automate this on CI.