CBIIT / nci-ctd2-dashboard-tmpl-helper

NCI CTD^2 Dashboard Template Helper
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Submission helper error #14

Open vdancik opened 6 years ago

vdancik commented 6 years ago

Submission helper error most likely caused by too long observation summary, see https://github.com/CBIIT/nci-ctd2-dashboard/issues/334 for details and discussion.

kcs3 commented 6 years ago

I am copying in key comments from #334 here:

(1) Vlado reports that the original observation summary, which was too long, was as follows:

"Genome wide RNAi screens were performed in 501 cancer cell lines and through developing a DEMETER computational model that corrects for RNAi off-target effects strong differential dependencies and underlying predictive models were found, including a dependency of UBC that was associated with low expression of UBB as the top marker."

(2) Also check on client side that the length does not exceed the limit before sending it over.

zhouji2013 commented 6 years ago

The SQL command to increase this length is committed as a script file at https://github.com/CBIIT/nci-ctd2-dashboard-tmpl-helper/blob/master/increase_summary_size.sql

This command can be run now to fix the issue without waiting for the code update.

zhouji2013 commented 6 years ago

Client-side checking is also implemented https://github.com/CBIIT/nci-ctd2-dashboard-tmpl-helper/commit/ccd3706bb871a0d75ebcace4c3c92fc17b261dec but this will only take effect after the new code is deployed.

zhouji2013 commented 6 years ago

reopen to get the attention before the fix is applied to production

kcs3 commented 5 years ago

I added the long text to a test submission observation summary and got an error message starting with "The template data was NOT saved to the server for some unexpected error..."

Sadly, just removing the long text does not help, the error now occurs even with a single word as the observation summary.

kcs3 commented 5 years ago

Zhou were do we stand on this bug?

vdancik commented 5 years ago

Looks like this issue is still present.

All input text should be checked for length restriction by javascript. Here are length restrictions used by the submission-check script:

    'display_name':255, # DashboardEntity
    'template_description':1024, 'observation_summary':1024, 'submission_name':128, 'submission_description':1024, 'project':1024, 'principal_investigator': 64, # ObservationTemplate
    'url': 2048, # UrlEvidence
    'file_path':1024, 'file_name':1024, 'mime_type': 256, # FileEvidence
    'subject_display_text':10240, 'subject_column_name': 1024, # ObservedSubjectRole
    'evidence_display_text':10240, 'evidence_column_name': 1024, 'attribute': 128, # ObservedEvidenceRole
    'units': 32, # DataNumericValue
    'role': 128, # SubjectWithSummaries
    'sequence':2048, 'type':5, 'reagent_name':255, # ShRna
    'smiles':2048, # CompoundImpl
    'gene_id':32, 'gene_symbol':32, # GeneImpl
    'annotation_source':128, 'annotation_type':128, # AnnotationImpl
    'database_id':128, 'database_name':128 # XrefImpl