CBIIT / nci-ctd2-dashboard-tmpl-helper

NCI CTD^2 Dashboard Template Helper
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Hover Over Definitions for Submission Description Details #26

Open birrielpc opened 6 years ago

birrielpc commented 6 years ago

Please add a little question mark circle next to the following title headings under Submission Description for when users are creating a new submission: -- Submission Name
-- Submission Description
-- Project Title
-- Request Tier
-- Is this submission a story?

Then, as the user hover overs the question marks, please provide the following corresponding definitions:

-- For Submission Name: "A Submission is a Dashboard entry that represents a dataset associated with positive experimental results, a set of data-related figures, or a story. The submission name should be short and meaningful and in lower case, without any spaces (use underscores instead; e.g., tgen_eddy_ccle_ctrp). It should not exceed 31 characters."

-- For Submission Description: "The submission description should include names of subject(s) (e.g., cancer type, model system, gene, small molecule, etc.) and convey information about the experimental approach. The summary must not exceed 300 characters."

-- For Project Title: "In the Dashboard, a “project” is a set of pertinent, interrelated submissions grouped together under the same title. The title should provide an overview or snapshot of all submissions within the project; it should include a broad goal or conclusion of the project and the names of subject(s) (e.g., cancer type, model system, gene, small molecule, etc.) if only one or a few subjects are the focus of the project. It must not exceed 100 characters. Note: Submissions can come from a single Center or multiple Centers for a collaborative project. Generally, submissions that are part of a project come from the same published manuscript."

-- For Request Tier: "A CTD^2 Network-defined ranking system for evidence that is based on the extent of characterization associated with a particular study. o Tier 1: Preliminary results of screening campaigns o Tier 2: Confirmation of a subset of primary results in vitro o Tier 3: Validation of a subset of results in a cancer relevant in vivo model"

Please hyperlink 'CTD^2 Network-defined ranking system' above with this manuscript link, if possible: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27401613

-- For Is this submission a story?: "A Dashboard story summarizes the research findings from a big-picture standpoint. Please check the box if the submission is a story and enter the story title."