CBidis / CSharp8583

C# Implementation of the ISO-8583 banking protocol
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
23 stars 22 forks source link

Add header in ISO8583 message #6

Open emmacias opened 10 months ago

emmacias commented 10 months ago

A warm greeting to the development team. Does this library have the functionality to add a header to an ISO8583 message? Thank you.

CBidis commented 6 months ago

Hello @emmacias can you provide a sample of the message in order to get what you mean by adding a header 🙏

Mo7ammedTal3at commented 6 months ago

Hello @CBidis thank you for this great effort i have the same above problem , i need to add header before the MTI for example , i have the following message


the description: 49534F30323135323030303243303030 // (ISO021520002C000) header ( //ISO , 0215 // Lenth, 2 // POS Transaction , 0002C Verthio, 000 if not faild)

31313030 // (1100) MTI 7230854108E08802 // bitmap 16 34303030303030303030303030303032 //2 Primary account number //PAN 303030303030 //3 (000000) Processing code 303030303030303034323030 //4 (000000004200) Amount 4200 32303233313231313132 //7 (2023121112) transaction 2023121112 313233343433 //11 (123443) stn SystemTraceNr 323032333132313131323435 // 12 (202312111245) Time, local transaction (hhmmss) 32303233 // 17(2023) Date, capture 323032333132313131323435 //22 (202312111245) Point of service entry mode 313037 //24 (107) Function code (ISO 8583:1993)/Network International identifier (NII) 31333435 //26 (1345) Point of service capture code 11 2032303233313231313132 // 32 (2023121112) Acquiring institution identification code AcquiringInstID 313233343433323332343536 // 37 (123443232456) Retrieval reference number 3839383530353437 //41 (89850547) Card acceptor terminal identification CardAcceptorTerminalID 323336383639333535323920202020 // 42 (23686935529 ) Card acceptor identification code CardAcceptorIDcode 12 41686D656453686568737461 //43 (AhmedShehsta) Card acceptor name/location CardAcceptorNameLocation 383138 //49 (818) Currency code, transaction 12 41686D656453486568617461 //53 (AhmedSHehata) 0023 64676A726F73484A6A6E20746573742076657273696F6E //

is the current implementation supports the above or not? thanks in advance