CC-HIC / ccanonym

Critical care data anonymisation package
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Clearer instructions for using the Makefile #15

Open tompollard opened 8 years ago

tompollard commented 8 years ago

It would be helpful to provide instructions for using the Makefile, perhaps in the Also consider including a help rule in the Makefile to print usage instructions when someone tries to run make with no arguments. e.g. add the following chunk above all:

    @echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    @echo ' Makefile for de-identifying clinical data '
    @echo '                                                                            '
    @echo ' Usage: '
    @echo '                                                                            '
    @echo ' Deidentify a dataset in the X directory:  '
    @echo '                                                                            '
    @echo '             make all                         '
    @echo '                                                                            '
    @echo ' Run the deidentification script against a test dataset:  '
    @echo '                                                                            '
    @echo '             make test                         '
    @echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    @echo '                                                                            '