Managing Agricultural Research for Learning and Outcomes
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[MR] (Project Page) Project Page release #2076

Closed MargaritaRamirez closed 4 years ago

MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago

Test the JSON that was developed and send it to the Macaroni Bros with the username and password for them to try it.

Deliverable: Move to Review when: We make the draft of the message for the Macaroni Bros Move to Closed when: When we get the feedbacks for the Macaroni Bros

MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago

Diego sent the draft message since March 26/2020

From: Perez, Diego Fernando (CCAFS - Alliance Bioversity-CIAT) Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:39 PM To: Tobon R, Hector F (CCAFS-Alliance Bioversity-CIAT) H.F.Tobon@CGIAR.ORG Subject: FW: Project Page Release

Hi Hector

Continuing with our project page integration development, we released our v1 version of this API. This API shares CCAFS project information as Title, Summary, start date , end date, cross-cutting dimension, gender analysis, Flagships and Regions that the project is part of. Only just giving a Project ID as a identifier.

To connect to this API, you have to need some requirements:

  1. Credentials User: Password: 7823282 Authentication Type: Basic

  2. URL for GET request{Idproject} when {idproject} is a project identification for example

  3. Response Structure. The response is a JSON Format with de following structure. { "id": 0, //Project Identifier "projectInfo": { "title": "string", //project title "summary": "string", //project summary "crossCuttingCapacity": true, //Cross-cutting dimension capdev "crossCuttingClimate": true, //Cross-cutting dimension Climate Change "crossCuttingGender": true, //Cross-cutting dimension Gender "crossCuttingNa": true, //Cross-cutting dimension NA "crossCuttingYouth": true, //Cross-cutting dimension Youth "startDate": "2020-03-26", //project start date
    "endDate": "2020-03-26", //project end Date "genderAnalysis": "string", //Gender analysis for specific aspects "id": 0 //internal project ID Info
    } "createDate": "2020-03-26", //create date project "flagships": [ // Flagship List that the project part of
    "id": 0, // Flagship ID "acronym": "string", //Flagship Acronym
    "name": "string" //Flagship description } ], "regions": [ { "id": 0, //ID region "acronym": "string", //Region ISO Acronym "name": "string" //Region name } ]

Example 1

{ "id": 270, "createDate": "2018-06-21", "projectInfo": { "id": 742, "title": "[Program Management Unit] Knowledge and Data Sharing", "summary": "Provide an enabling environment in which scientists and partners are able to produce and share high-quality data outputs throughout CCAFS, while at the same time enabling a variety of data management procedures and good practices at project level and in compliance with the CGIAR Open Access policy. In addition, management of the MARLO platform, which is a key component of CCAFS open access management in Phase II, setting out workflows and procedures for planning, reporting, and learning, including evaluation of data and tool outputs along with appropriate metadata. \r\n\r\nManaging Agricultural Research for Learning and Outcomes (MARLO) is an online platform assisting CRPs in their strategic results-based program planning and reporting of research projects. It covers project cycle from planning to project reporting, learning, and outcome-focused programmatic report generation with some additional synthesizing input at the flagship and cross-cutting level.", "startDate": "2017-01-01", "endDate": "2021-12-31", "genderAnalysis": "N/A", "crossCuttingGender": false, "crossCuttingYouth": false, "crossCuttingCapacity": false, "crossCuttingClimate": false, "crossCuttingNa": true }, "regions": [], "flagships": [] }

Example 2

{ "id": 1610, "createDate": "2018-10-19", "projectInfo": { "id": 16541, "title": " ep-IA project 2018-2019 ICRAF-CIRAD: Assessing impacts of climate information services in Senegal through a systemic evaluation at the institutional and farmer level", "summary": "An outcome study carried out in 2015 showed that seasonal forecasts were transmitted nationwide through 82 rural community radio stations and SMS. An estimated 740,000 rural households now have access to CIS in Senegal. At the institutional level (national and local MWGs) we will qualify impacts that resulted from capacity strengthening of extension agents and radio broadcasters, creation of interactive radio programs, identification and use of CIS as an agricultural input by the Ministry, and of other outcomes not yet documented and evidenced. This will be done first through a series of participatory workshops that will outline the innovation process, its impact pathways, the actors involved and the sources of evidence for outcomes and impacts. Subsequently, in?depth evidence of outcomes at the institutional level will be generated through the application of the Outcome Harvesting -OH- tool with knowledgeable and independent informants. To measure household level impacts, we will build on an existing dataset collected by scientists from ICRAF in 2017. The data focus on a randomized sample of 795 households from two provinces, Kaffrine and Kaolack. The sampling strategy stratified households into locations with and without MWG. Having a two-time panel dataset will afford us the latitude to explore how the use of CIS affects farmers? adaptive capacity and risk management strategies and the resulting livelihood impacts. A blended qualitative-quantitative approach will use results of participatory workshops to define relevant livelihood dimensions that were impacted by practice changes linked to use of CIS.\r\n", "startDate": "2018-08-01", "endDate": "2019-10-31", "genderAnalysis": "We have a gender disaggregated analysis, although that is not the main focus of the evaluation.", "crossCuttingGender": true, "crossCuttingYouth": false, "crossCuttingCapacity": false, "crossCuttingClimate": true, "crossCuttingNa": false }, "regions": [ { "id": 90, "name": "West Africa", "acronym": "WA" } ], "flagships": [ { "id": 84, "name": "Climate services and safety nets", "acronym": "FP4" } ] }

Example 3 a wrong project ID { "id": 467, "createDate": "2017-05-24", "projectInfo": null, "regions": [], "flagships": [] }

If you have any question, Please contact us to provide you more information.


MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago

@htobon we are waiting for your comments in order to send the final message to the Macaroni Bros

MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago

Email sent on April 13 to the Macaroni Bros. image.png

MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago

Meeting April 16, 2020: Action points:

MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago

I sent to @yeyo2k3 the list of projects that we can send to the Macaroni Bros for the test of the new service image.png

MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago


MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago


MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago

Macaroni Bros feedback on June 5, 2020:

The ProjectList and the single item web services are ok from my side.

Just to recap a bit what we discussed:

Option 1: Manual entry of the project to the website

Step 1: Website editor inserts the project node on Drupal and fills the ID fields with the MARLO Project ID Step 2: Website editor clicks on SAVE button to save the content Step 3: Website Importer fetches directly from Marlo all the fields for that particular ID and updates the Drupal Content (single item webservice used)

Option 2: fully automatic

Step 1: The Website importer on cron basis fetches the Marlo web service List of projects (full list webservice used) Step 2: The list should contain for each project only ID and last updated date. Step 3: The Website importer understand which are the items that have been updated, the new ones and the deleted ones Step 4: Based on Step 3 the Website importer queries the single item MARLO webservice to get the data needed to update and create new Projects nodes on Drupal

In both cases the Project content type on the Website could have also additional fields not directly controlled by MARLO that the website Editor could fill.

So if we go with Option 1 we don’t need the full list otherwise if we go with Option 2 we need the full list webservice. In addition the full list should contain only the IDs for that particular organization (CCAFS) that need to be published on the website. Anyway to optimise bandwidth, used resources and overall performances the list should contain just the ID and the last updated date for each Project, otherwise the resulting JSON will be huge.

MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago

June 9, 2020: According to our meeting today we decide to:

  1. To release the project we will use option 1 and add permits to editors in the CAFFS website
  2. Add more information according to the mock-up to have the complete service for project page
    • They will start with the information that we sent them: they need the JSON with the fields name and inform them if there is a URL or text
  3. ASAP: static JASON for them to create the importer @yeyo2k3
  4. Channel of communication so we can sort problems or questions in real-time
MargaritaRamirez commented 4 years ago

June 17, 2020:

We sent the email to Macaroni Bros with the static JSON and create the channel in teams so we can have a faster communication

  1. static JASON for them to create the importer In this link

  2. Channel of communication so we can sort problems or questions in real-time (CCAFS Project Page)