CCALI / CALI-Author-Viewer-5

This is the repo for CALI Author's jQuery based lesson viewer
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Allow anonymous access (no user account) for pre-law or demoing #122

Open sgoshorn opened 4 years ago

sgoshorn commented 4 years ago

Allow Lesson Viewer to run without a score tracking link. For use by anonymous users for demos or non-members like pre-law students. No user login required. No score is saved. No resume option provided. For the score certificate, provide a prompt to let the user type their name in directly.

Must ensure this feature cannot start all lessons as anonymous.

johnmayer commented 4 years ago

We still want to track scores - we might even want to run lessons under LessonLink in this situation.

emasters commented 4 years ago

@johnmayer This will allow for anon use of Lessons, no registration, no login. Without those 2 things it is not possible to to track scores without a significant redesign of our systems. I understand that LSAC wants to point folks to the LSS Lessons. The quickest way for us to do that is through open anon access. During the last cycle over 138,000 people took the LSAT and over 38,000 of those ended up in law school. Trying to register those folks with some sort of pre-law access and then transferring their registrations to the law schools they end up in would be a monumental task. Back in the original LearnTheLaw days we provided anon access to a handful of Lessons and the idea with this is to bring back that anon access as a starting point to providing access for non-members.

johnmayer commented 4 years ago

I can see the use case where prelaw students run the free/open Law School Success lesson and then get all motivated and want to run some doctrine CALI lessons. We don't want to let anyone run anything via this path as it's a way to get CALI for free and could affect law school memberships (assumption).

We could tag all these runs as coming from the group "LSAC" in the lessonruns table just so we have the stats. Why not an alternative registration that prefills the authcode with "LSACSTU" or such? I can see that converting these to a registered CALI member later might be tricky.

I don't want to make this super complex either, so I get your concerns. Why do all kinds of work if we don't really want it. That means we need to think through to the use cases that really matter.