"This ‘hack’ does contain the information needed. I’ll have to run it by the stakeholders to get their thoughts on the use of the comma (as opposed to a hard return) to separate the various fields of information (e.g. Full Name, Street Address, City/State/Zip, email, phone).
As an enhancement request, it would be nice to be able to code a hard return into the logic."
**Author was attempting to use a repeating variable with multiple defendants in a caption that would overflow if >1 defendant to an addendum. Currently repeating variables don't overflow to an addendum (see issue https://github.com/CCALI/a2jdat/issues/59) The hack was to put all the components of the address/name into [Defendant 1 full info TE] for the caption on page 1, then create a custom addendum and put any additional defendants into [Additional defendants full info TE]. However, the components are comma separated, not hard returns as they were originally.
Author request:
"This ‘hack’ does contain the information needed. I’ll have to run it by the stakeholders to get their thoughts on the use of the comma (as opposed to a hard return) to separate the various fields of information (e.g. Full Name, Street Address, City/State/Zip, email, phone).
As an enhancement request, it would be nice to be able to code a hard return into the logic."
**Author was attempting to use a repeating variable with multiple defendants in a caption that would overflow if >1 defendant to an addendum. Currently repeating variables don't overflow to an addendum (see issue https://github.com/CCALI/a2jdat/issues/59) The hack was to put all the components of the address/name into [Defendant 1 full info TE] for the caption on page 1, then create a custom addendum and put any additional defendants into [Additional defendants full info TE]. However, the components are comma separated, not hard returns as they were originally.
Here's the GI with the hack: Eviction Action Complaint - Justice Court_CALI Addendum Example.zip