CCALI / a2jdat

This repo hosts the distributable production version of the A2J Document Assembly Tool (DAT). The document assembly tool is an optional piece of software used for producing pdf documents at the end of A2J Author Guided Interviews.
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Potential carriage return displaying in assembled document #125

Open JessicaFrank opened 1 year ago

JessicaFrank commented 1 year ago

Template with an address field on one line. User enters address in GI in field type, text long, and adds returns after each line like: 1 Main Street Lexington, KY 12345 Address line 3 test

In assembled doc, it looks like a carriage return is printing over the "L" in Lexington and "A" in Address. Also looks like a question mark potentially. It's not clear because it overlays the other letters.


Interview at question - Petition for Domestic Violence Protection 9-1-2022 (3).zip

Issue seen in the 1st template with variable [Location for Coming Near 1 TE]

Answer file with that variable holding a value. (zipped b/c Github doesn't allow .anx uploads) answer -

Possible solution is to warn user to not enter the address with hard returns, but that won't guarantee no errors like this on assembled document. Ideally A2J Author would not display those hard returns and would instead return them as spaces?

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

not seeing this when assembling with above anx on with MacOS Monterey on Firefox 104.0.2. Font issue?

Screen Shot 2022-09-30 at 1 53 47 PM petition-for-domestic-violence-protection-9-1-2022-test-assemble.pdf

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

@JessicaFrank where are you observing this and on what kind of setup (OS, browser, etc)

JessicaFrank commented 1 year ago

Unsure of original report set up, but I observed it on production - Windows 10 Pro, Chrome Version 105.0.5195.127

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

@JessicaFrank can you please post the pdf generated?

JessicaFrank commented 1 year ago

d3f12778-204f-4444-b943-da6cb68a1004.pdf @tobiasnteireho

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

looks like an os font issue as it is fine on my Mac. Do the question mark boxes render for you in the pdf I attached in the comment above?

Screen Shot 2022-09-30 at 3 15 56 PM

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

@JessicaFrank do you see the issue in the attached pdf and does the attached answer file generate no boxes? [petition-for-domestic-violence-protection-9-1-2022-test-assemble-crlf.pdf]( answer - ection-9-1-2022-test-assemble-crlf.pdf)

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

replaced \n with \r\n if works may need to add a filter before rendering pdf

JessicaFrank commented 1 year ago

@tobiasnteireho still see the issue using the answer file you shared above. image

and in the PDF

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

Well that's odd. Not appearing in Windows Server 2016 and looks fine.

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

actually the pdf linked here ( looks fine in Server 2016 also so this might be limited to non server windows

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

reproduced in preview, chrome, and foxit reader on mac and windows. PDF spec does not support printing newlines these need to be stripped or converted to breaks . In spec is treated as EOL Firefox is apparrent outlier that may not quite follow spec.

tobiasnteireho commented 1 year ago

I think the best solution in the meantime is for the address to not be collected in one field and to use multiple single line fileds. This will prevent newlines from being able to be entered at all. The multiple fields can then be concatenated to be displayed on one line.

JessicaFrank commented 1 year ago

The issue for this particular template is that if the author collects in multiple fields and concatenates them on the single line, there's the potential for part of the address to be cut off (ex. If street name runs longer than the allotted space on the line for that field, it'll be cut off.) They could put a character count on a single field for the entire line. They could also leave as is and ask their users not to put line breaks in. I'll talk to the author and give them all the suggestions.