CCALI / a2jdat

This repo hosts the distributable production version of the A2J Document Assembly Tool (DAT). The document assembly tool is an optional piece of software used for producing pdf documents at the end of A2J Author Guided Interviews.
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Ghost middle name variable can't be deleted #128

Open JessicaFrank opened 1 year ago

JessicaFrank commented 1 year ago

Authors reported a variable on pg 3 of their A2J PDF template that is continuing to appear, even after they deleted it. Variable works as expected on page 1. It was originally put on page 3 on a signature line. They decided it looked too crowded and wasn't necessary, so they deleted that variable field from page 3 (leaving it on page 1 where it was still needed).

When test assembling, the variable continued to stay on page 3.

Changing the variable name from Middle Name Petitioner TE to Middle name Petitioner TE (lowering the case for "Name") didn't do anything to resolve the issue. The variable looked on the template like it was displaying the lower case "middle" but re-using the answer file with Middle capitalized still resulted in an answer showing on the assembled document.

Solution was to delete the variable entirely, then make a new middle name variable. This isn't really a solution long term though because sometimes variable names can't be entirely changed (shared answer files, naming conventions an org is using, etc).

So 2 problems -- deleting a field and variable doesn't appear to really delete it in this case. (Author did report doing similar deletion of variables in other templates with no issues) AND variables aren't case sensitive.

Dissolution of Marriage with

Template at issue is Petition - No Children (template 11)

answer (55) (1).zip

JessicaFrank commented 1 year ago
