CCALI / a2jdat

This repo hosts the distributable production version of the A2J Document Assembly Tool (DAT). The document assembly tool is an optional piece of software used for producing pdf documents at the end of A2J Author Guided Interviews.
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muhammara package breaks mac dev by default #142

Open mikemitchel opened 6 months ago

mikemitchel commented 6 months ago

MuhammaraJS (the drop-in replacement for hummusjs) is processor/architecture specific so when trying to run 'npm run dev' on a mac, it gives this error:

/a2j/dat/node_modules/muhammara/binding/muhammara.node' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64'))

need some kind of architecture auto detect, or a wiki update on how to change it easily.

mikemitchel commented 6 months ago

A quick but likely insecure workaround is to uninstall MuhammaraJS and re-install HummusJS and fix the require statements in pdf.js and assemble-utils.js.

tobiasnteireho commented 6 months ago

This may be a versioning issue that could be resolved by downgrading the version of muhammara as a less insecure alternative to the Hummus fix.