Circrnas in Host And viRuses anaLysis pIpEline for Detection Annotation Quantification of circRNAs
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Try adding `circRNA_finder` #35

Closed kopardev closed 1 year ago

kopardev commented 1 year ago

circRNA_finder has 2 steps (perl scripts):

kopardev commented 1 year ago

./ does not work with the no_GTF STAR index

kopardev commented 1 year ago

./ does not work when GTF is supplied at alignment

kopardev commented 1 year ago

Too many changes to STAR parameters need to implement this circRNA caller. It is also unsupported and not well-maintained. DO NOT include in pipeline.

kopardev commented 1 year ago

Reconsider as MapSplice takes too long and produces errors!!

kopardev commented 1 year ago

added and ON default in config.yaml... basically replacing MapSplice which is now OFF by default