Rather than having a copy of spooker and jobby in every pipeline, we're making them available in the ccbrpipeliner module.
As long as the module is loaded before launching xavier, these commands will be available.
PR Checklist
(~Strikethrough~ any points that are not applicable.)
[x] This comment contains a description of changes with justifications, with any relevant issues linked.
~[ ] Update docs if there are any API changes.~
~[ ] Update CHANGELOG.md with a short description of any user-facing changes and reference the PR number. Guidelines: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/~
Rather than having a copy of spooker and jobby in every pipeline, we're making them available in the ccbrpipeliner module.
As long as the module is loaded before launching xavier, these commands will be available.
PR Checklist
(~Strikethrough~ any points that are not applicable.)
with a short description of any user-facing changes and reference the PR number. Guidelines: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/~